About Us
How it all began...
Bred from a love for seafood, our story began with the simple quest for high-quality premium seafood from trusted sources to serve on our very own dining tables. With a large percentage of seafood being mislabeled (fraudulently or not) we made it a purpose to connect with like-minded processors/suppliers to know exactly what we were getting. Not long after forging these connections, family and friends wanted to enjoy the very same shrimp, lobster, uni, scallops... as we were. Admittedly to our surprise, there are more people who share a similar passion for premium seafood than we thought...and from that eventually came The Shellfish Shop! We realized how many smiles and happy bellies our seafood brought to our families and friends that we wanted to do the same for you.
Don't be selfish and share your shellfish from The Shellfish Shop! Now let's get crackin' and peelin'!